AUUC Winnipeg News

Lily Stearns, AUUC's national archivist receives the
Lieutenant Governor’s Historical Preservation and Promotion award

We are pleased to announce that Lily Stearns, AUUC's national archivist and a member of the AUUC Winnipeg Branch, is one of five recipients of the Lieutenant Governor’s Historical Preservation and Promotion award for meritorious service in the preservation and promotion of the province’s history and heritage. An official ceremony is being held at Government House later today (May 14, 2024), and an official press release about the award is below.

Lily was nominated for the award by the Executive Council of AUUC Winnipeg Branch, with support and/or letters of recommendation from Emily Halldorson, Walter Mirosh, Glenn Michalchuk, Rhonda Hinther, Nolan Reilly and Jim Mocharuk.

The presentation of this award to Lily, is important not only for the recognition of Lily's work, but for what it symbolizes for the AUUC. All too often, the history of the Ukrainian Canadian left is left out of mainstream narratives and history books. This award recognizes that the history of the Ukrainian Canadian left, and the history of the AUUC is an important part of the history of our province and country.

Congratulations Lily and AUUC Winnipeg members on this significant achievement!


Vice President AUUC Winnipeg Branch